Happiness Vs Pleasure

What is the difference between feeling happy and experiencing pleasure?

You might think, 'they both feel good, so who cares?!'

They both make us feel great but there is a difference and it does matter.

According to Dr. Robert Lustig, an American paediatric endocrinologist, the seven key differences between happiness and pleasure are;

  1. Pleasure is short lived but happiness is long lived.

  2. Pleasure is visceral, happiness is ethereal.

  3. Pleasure is taking, happiness is giving.

  4. Pleasure can be achieved with substances, happiness cannot be achieved with substances.

  5. Pleasure is experienced alone, happiness is experienced in social groups.

  6. The extremes of pleasure all lead to addiction, whether they are substances or behaviours. Yet there's no such thing as being addicted to too much happiness.

  7. Pleasure is tied to dopamine and happiness is tied to serotonin.

So, to make it simple - Spending money you don't have on things you don't need = pleasure

Indulging in excessive ways when it comes to food and drink = pleasure. I could go on, these are just two examples of how I've sought a dopamine hit in the past!

This sort of thing gives us an instant dopamine hit but it is short lived and ultimately makes us feel worse than before so we have to chase the high and it is this which can lead to addiction.

Money can buy pleasure but if it is happiness you are looking for then that is found elsewhere.

You can create a boost of serotonin by interacting in a positive way, acting in a positive way and thinking in a positive way - it's this mentally healthy behaviour which is the road to authentic happiness. In your sessions with me you will hear me refer to “the 3ps”, this is an easy way to think about how to achieve this healthier mindset.

You'll know when you are experiencing happiness because the constant need to chase the next high, will begin to diminish and you will be happy with all that you do have, you will probably feel less anxious and your bank balance and liver may be healthier too 🤩


Toxic Positivity


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