Have you lost your mojo?

Sometimes the way we feel can only be described as “lost”.  There you were, happily getting on with your life and BAM out of the blue a setback occurs.  Whether it is in the form of cancelled plans, a health scare, a break up or the loss of a loved o

Sometimes the way we feel can only be described as “lost”. There you were, happily getting on with your life and BAM out of the blue a setback occurs. Whether it is in the form of cancelled plans, a health scare, a break up, a redundancy or the loss of a loved one, it is inevitable that the things we enjoy no longer become a priority. Who wants to go out for a run or eat a salad when their heart has been broken? Who has the energy to reply to a text when their head is spinning and they can’t think straight. A night out with friends? Forget it! Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and before long it’s been too long since you did the things you once enjoyed, they are no longer a habit, new habits have been formed and you don’t really like it. You might feel like you don’t even know who you are anymore, you may have been too busy looking out for everyone else or unable to focus outside of your grief. Life has changed either temporarily or forever. All of these events are what ultimately shapes us and makes us who we are.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you to get back on track and the best bit is that it wont be necessary to focus on the actual problem itself, just the solution. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses a number of therapeutic approaches, as well as modern research into how the brain works, to create a modern therapy that is positive and effective and produces real, long lasting results in a relatively short time frame.

During your weekly sessions with me we form a team, and with my guidance and support you will come up with your own solutions, small steps that you can take that will enable you to move forwards with hope and a new understanding of the person that you are. Unique and special. You will learn new tools and coping strategies that you can take with you and apply for the rest of your life - its not about getting “over it”, more about getting “through it”. The added bonus is a wonderfully relaxing 20 minute trance session at the end of each weekly session where you can lie back and slip into a lovely daydream. Time for you. You will have a copy of my relaxation download to listen to at home, when it is time to go to bed, and this will consolidate your sessions and promote a better quality of sleep, something you may be finding tricky at the moment.

I have lost my own sense of direction more than once and found it again with solution focused hypnotherapy and now I am delighted to be able to help others in the same way.

All of my sessions are carried out in the strictest confidence and I adhere to a strong code of ethics in this respect.

Sessions can be carried out from the comfort of your own home over Zoom or face to face at my private clinic in Murrayfied, Edinburgh.


Feeling SAD about the end of summer?


Happy Mind, Happy Life